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Understanding “Terreno Ejidal” in Real Estate in Mexico

Posted by n0poti on April 1, 2023

As a potential real estate investor in Mexico, it is essential to understand the term “terreno ejidal.” In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to the term, its regulations, and its impact on the Mexican real estate market.

What is “Terreno Ejidal”?

Terreno ejidal is a term that refers to a type of land in Mexico that is owned by a community or “ejido” and governed by specific regulations. Ejidos are communities of people who own and work the land together, and they have been a part of Mexican culture and economy since the colonial era.

The Mexican government established the ejido system as a way to provide land to poor farmers who couldn’t afford to buy it. As a result, ejidos were granted large tracts of land that were communally owned and worked by the members of the community.

The Regulations Surrounding Terreno Ejidal

The regulations surrounding terreno ejidal can be complex and vary from state to state. However, there are several general regulations that apply to all ejidos in Mexico.

One of the most significant regulations surrounding terreno ejidal is that it cannot be sold or bought by an individual. Instead, it can only be granted or transferred to another ejido or to the government.

Another critical regulation surrounding terreno ejidal is that it cannot be used for commercial purposes. Instead, it must be used for agricultural or subsistence purposes only. This means that investors cannot purchase terreno ejidal for development purposes.

The Impact of Terreno Ejidal on the Mexican Real Estate Market

Terreno ejidal has a significant impact on the Mexican real estate market. Because it cannot be used for commercial purposes, terreno ejidal is often less valuable than other types of land in Mexico. This can make it an attractive option for buyers who are looking for affordable land for agricultural or subsistence purposes.

However, the regulations surrounding terreno ejidal can also make it challenging for buyers to acquire this type of land. The restrictions on the sale and use of terreno ejidal mean that buyers must navigate a complex legal landscape to acquire the land.


In conclusion, understanding the term “terreno ejidal” is essential for anyone interested in investing in Mexican real estate. While it can be an attractive option for buyers looking for affordable land, the regulations surrounding terreno ejidal can make it a challenging type of land to acquire.

If you are considering investing in terreno ejidal, we recommend consulting with a qualified real estate professional who can guide you through the legal and regulatory landscape. With the right guidance, terreno ejidal can be a valuable and worthwhile investment in the Mexican real estate market.

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